Happy New Year to all my friends and family! What an interesting start to the year...
first I can't believe it is 2010! Seems like 2009 just flew by and I don't think I got done everything I wanted to... luckily things around here can be carried over nicely to fit into the new year.
My New Years goals...
1) Stop and listen when my family is talking to me. So many times I am multitasking and find myself not fully paying attention to those who are talking to me.
2) Use up supplies that I have hoarded over the years. I find myself saving items because they are too pretty or "nice" to use (and I don't have a stockpile of it...). If it works on a piece - I will use it!
3) Try to laugh at my life... so things don't seem so serious. But when things get too hard... I will rely on my friends. (*wink!)
4) Keep in mind all those around me and keep a giving heart at the forefront of my thoughts.
I know I have many more things I need to improve this year... I know I will be adding to my list daily!
A little business news: Thank you again to all my Stampin Up customers over the years. I am now officially not demonstrating and will not be selling products. I'm sorry, i do not know anyone personally (locally) who sells SU.
I will be reopening my etsy store very soon. as the end of 2009 approached I realized my inventory was very low and I just kept it on the back burner... but now that I will have more time (from not demo-ing), I will be working hard to get that fully stocked and ready to go.
I hope you all had a wonderful NEW YEARs celebration with your loved ones.
Wishing everyone out there a